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Anna Maria Schuller Solo "Perspectives"


When we share the same view, it’s going easy
We see the same, talk similar

And have the same direction
This unity is peaceful, maybe even too comfortable
So are you choosing to be mostly with the ones,
Who mesh with your perspective?


When we share different views

It's going to be more delicate
We pause, discuss it, get silent or just let it out
A conflict is possible and might move into a friction
So are you choosing to solve it or fight it

Or prefer to keep the distance?


Some views are common, some natural
Some educated, some individual
Some views are social, others made by ego
Some are healthy, others not

I see you, I try to
Who you are, your beauty and your vulnerability
I share, explain and listen
Do you, too?

When we share our insides

We're seeking a connection
Led by thoughts, needs and feelings

Formed by experience
It's personal, until we add something or complete it
And in the end there might be a consequence

For you, for me, for others
Some views are relevant, some intolerant
Some are mean, some extrem
Some views are caring, others degrading
Some out of question, others not

I see you, I try to
Who you are, your beauty and your vulnerability
I share, explain and listen
Do you, too?

Anotherone's perspective is hard to take

When it makes you look wrong
Anotherone's decision is hard to take

When it cuts off your needs
It hurts, when you're not able to find the right words
Because you're too emotional
It hurts, when you're not able to express yourself

Face to face
Not to share might be safe and easy
But all you've got to say, stays hidden

And unable to connect
It makes you blind, builds boundaries and limits
When you confront, listen and respond
Borders will fall and colors will blend
It makes a change or at least a difference
Together we see more

I see you, I try to
Who you are, your beauty and your vulnerability

I share, explain and listen
Do you, too?


Anna Maria Schuller Solo "Perspectives"


She has no right to education
She is not allowed to sing
She can not dress how she wants to
She is missing

She is forced into marriage
She was murdered for family honor
She was aborted or killed as a baby
Only because of being a girl

She's a victim of domestic abuse
And she of human trafficking
She is mistreated as a part of the war
And she is circumcised

How many lifes would have been different
If women and men would have been treated equally?
How many stories, fates and chances
Would have been better and fairer?

A call for women - to clear drawbacks and imbalance
A call for women - to close gaps and end excuses
A call for women - to empower
A call for women, diversity and feminists

She's not named particularly
She's not taken seriously
She is discriminated by the law
She's attacked because of protesting

She has to put her needs on hold
She hasn't the same occupational freedom
She earns less and is doing the same at least
She is financially dependent

How many lifes would be different
If women and men would be treated equally? 
How many stories, fates and chances
Would be better and fairer?

A call for women - to clear drawbacks and imbalance
A call for women - to close gaps and end excuses
A call for women - to empower
A call for women, diversity and feminists

Built on history, culture and tradition
Kept alive by men, society and politics
Overaged hierarchies and outdated images
Stunned by this slow, enduring process

Changes for a new reality
Unite and break free
Be bold and confrontational
With a vision

A call for women - to clear drawbacks and imbalance
A call for women - to close gaps and end excuses
A call for women - to empower
A call for women, diversity and feminists


Anna Maria Schuller Solo "Perspectives"



Why, oh why, if we already know?
Oh why, oh why, is it so difficult?

A dire situation
Mankind has caused
The condition of our planet
After thousands of years
Confusing times
Time to change
More needs to be changed
More need to change

A complex global problem
A longlasting emercency
Are we making progress
Or is it getting worse?
It's not about having one solution
The way and will and tempo counts
Incomprehension about not admitting
That the crisis is real and here

Science against science
Nature or economy
Interests against interests
Present or future
It's about awareness
Especially for those with wealth
Voluntarily or by law?

A Dilemma, a cluster of opposites
Exploitation, a mirror of society
No simple solution
It won't work without real effort
World, wake up!
Change is coming - like it or not

Relinquish and rethink
Ask yourself
What are you ready to put behind and give?
Frugality instead of greed
Western World, industrial power:
You are first

What about the ones
Who have nothing or not enough?
You only can reduce
When you have too much
Caring for the planet
Means caring for all beings, too
Instead ongoing injustice
For benefit and profit

Natur against money
Deliberately or unintended
Overweight and diet cult
Activity or laziness
It's about awareness
Recycling or buying new
There's a moral problem too

A Dilemma, a cluster of opposites
Exploitation, a mirror of society
No simple solution
It won't work without real effort
World, wake up!
Change is coming - like it or not


Anna Maria Schuller Solo "Perspectives"

#Racism #Antiracism

Often buried and hidden
Entangled with our history
Pieces in the past, fortunately long forbidden
Others still present, highly improvable

People over industries
Humans over wealth
All humans – especially the victims of injustice
All people – especially those, w
hose voices aren't heard

We need to make an afford
We need to make a change
We need to spread awareness
We need to listen

Presidents, parties and police
Children books and product names
Massive drawbacks, life changing and brutal
Small bites and daily incidents

It’s been too long
But not too late
It's not enough to be no perpetrator
Not to look and to act means complicity

We need to see the blind spots
We need to understand
We need to be respectful
And bear their accusations

There're still limits and boarders
Some unfortunately still accept
Too many innocents and brave voices
Have lost their freedom, have lost their lifes

Rehumanizing people
We all want to connect
Although I haven't caused the circumstances
I have a responsibility

We need to build bridges
We need to support
We need to talk about it
We need to be open

We need to connect
We need to speak up
We need to be all colors
We are in motion


Anna Maria Schuller Solo "Perspectives"

I am thankful for not being alone
For a comfortable place, I call home
For a walk in the woods and a moment in the sun
I am thankful for today's silence

I am thankful for having opportunities
For roll models, art and inspiration
I am thankful that I have the chance to learn
For being healthy and able to give

I am thankful for being appreciated
For someone who listens and for support
I am thankful for being forgiven
When you admit that you were wrong, too

I am thankful for being able to apologize
For being brave, when I haven't felt like it
For taking the first step and for continuing
I am thankful for a daily choice

And now that I all said that
It's clear, I don't always have that
Nothing's to be taken for granted
So I'm aware and care


I wish you one thing to be grateful for
And many more to come
May you find joy and comfort
To look around and make amends


Ana Mai "Blossom"


Silver grey hair, a lifetime on her face

Red wine and cigarettes, a book till late

Everything done before going to bed

Her love for silence


Like the freedom of a morning

A walk in emerald green

Her unsophistication

A cover if needed

An open book to share


Flowering time

Every phase a blossom

Daisy chain

Enduring. A snap shot


From dangling on a string to the wire of relief

Like a wolf on her own

Like a wolf in the pride

To create a horizon

To create a home

Thankful we say, thankful we say

With you we are blooming


Going through burdens with backbone and fight

Untroubled, lighthearted, maturity meets child

Pleasing somebody creates a smile on her face

No benefit needed, but a kudus to her heart


Flowering time

Every phase a blossom

Daisy chain

Enduring. A snap shot


From dangling on a string to the wire of relief

Like a wolf on her own

Like a wolf in the pride

To create a horizon

To create a home

Thankful we say, thankful we say

With you we are blooming

Time-Suite No 1-3

Inspired by "Momo", a fairy tale by Michael Ende

GREY MEN Time No 1

Ana Mai "Blossom"

Grey men, pale men, losing time

They count, they need

Further, faster, hurry, rush

No time – Crash


Grey men, cool men, so sublime

Step one, step two

Hasting, chasing, hunting, caught

No time – Stop


Grey men, good men, so sublime

They save, they spend

Second, minute, year, a life

No time – Lost


Grey men, poor men, solve to dust

Or smoke, don’t breath

Asking, longing, begging for

Time – Hush

WHAT IS TIME? Time No 2 

Ana Mai "Blossom"


Tell me why these men are grey

Why they engage in other lifes

Why they behave like thieves

Who take away from others


Tell me what is time for

How much is left and what could be the measure

Is it worthwhile to have reached everything

Or just to be done


We’re getting carried away by more and more

Leaving the balance for ambitions of tomorrow

Going off road

A tunnel vision

From birth to death

From Yes to No

Addicted to a shape of time, of thoughts

And of reality


Tell me why these men are grey

Why can’t they know where to go on their own

Let’s ask them if this ever ends

And paint them with a colour


Ana Mai "Blossom"

Walking barefoot on grass

Lying in the meadow

The sun’s grin

Lazy and wide


We jump in that puddle

Spin around and whirl

In neverland

Out of time

Frameless and free


Now we’re laughing

'Bout these childhood memories

Let’s spend again

Some more moments like this

Time flies

I realize, I treasure this


We’re climbing on the roof

Set up our tree house

Pull a trick on neighbours

Hide and seek

This is you, sister

Watch out, brother

In neverland

Out of time

Frameless and free


Ana Mai "Blossom"


Verbunden mit so vielen Orten

Strömt man durch die Zeitfabrik

Schwebend, fallend, sich aufrichtend

So erklingt des Einzelkämpfers Lied


Er will fliegen, einfach fallen

Mit verbund’nen Augen geht er seinen Weg

Frei von Ängsten in die Ferne schweben

Auf in Herrlichkeit, auf zum Ziel


Kein Blick zurück, der Freifall ruft

Der Wind hat sich gedreht

Willkommen Aufbruch, mach dich los

Das Neuland steht bevor


Er will sich in deiner Nähe wissen

Eng verbunden, in der Richtung liegt sein Weg

Herrlich schwach gemeinsam weiter gehen

So erklingt sein Neuland-Lied

Kein Blick zurück, der Freifall ruft

Der Wind hat sich gedreht

Willkommen Aufbruch, mach dich los

Das Neuland steht bevor


I tried to meet you half way

You didn't want to move

You embraced my shadow

While I've been somewhere else

Still you feel familiar

Though we're apart for a while

Now we have a better life


The point of time when you decide

To call it a farewell

To lose, to win, clearness, relief

You better not regret

I'm giving you away

A part of you will stay

One last time you say my name

One last time we say goodbye


I chose the end, you finished it

No more ifs and coulds

It felt too tight for me

We are the same in many ways

Sometimes I miss you

Sometimes I realize

The point of time when you decide

To call it a farewell

To lose, to win, clearness, relief

You better not regret

I'm giving you away

A part of you will stay

One last time you say my name

One last time we say goodbye


For Singer-Songwriter Kathrin Scheer

Once I rowed my boat on the river

On and on I came back to a harbour called home

Air and Earth were my solid anchor

Peacefully I’m surrounded by the waves


Growing and learning and tasting what life could be,

Longing and loving and fighting so I have to leave

To take a turn

Fare well. The trip on my boat starts at last


Release me from moving back to the stream

The wish to live it all again

This nameless journey never ends

My boat holds my memories

No equal past and future

Still I want it all together

What stays, what lasts after I’m gone

The River carries me on


Once I rowed my boat on the river

On and on I passed a footbridge and a shore

Wind and heat drifting me further

Through ups and downs

Which followed me over the years


Twirling and dancing and laughing

Forgetting the past

Freed from someone I love

’Cause it never would last

So I take one more turn

Fare well. The trip on my boat starts again


Release me from moving back to the stream

The wish to live it all again

This nameless journey never ends

My boat holds my memories

No equal past and future

Still I want it all together

What stays, what lasts after I’m gone

The River carries me on


Falling and rising and straining

To get it all back

Searching and finding and hoping

That now it will last

So I take one last turn

Fare well. The trip on my boat starts at last


Release me from moving back to the stream

The wish to live it all again

This nameless journey never ends

My boat holds my memories

No equal past and future

Still I want it all together

What stays, what lasts after I’m gone

The River carries me on


Once I rowed my boat on the river

So grateful to reach the open sea


Zeitfall, Fallzeit

Rückwärts in die Zukunft gehen

Freisinn, Sinnfrei

Uhren selbst im Tempo drehen

Weiter, immer weiter

Weiter, immer weiter


Zeitspiel, Spielzeit

Ein Narr der sie mit Händen hält

Auszeit, Zeitaus

Wenn das Jetzt zum Ewig wird

Leichter, immer leichter

Leichter, immer leichter


Zeitecht, Echtzeit

Augenblick bleibt Augenblick

Zeitlos, Los Zeit

Kein Weg die Absicht je verdeckt

Weiter, immer weiter

Weiter, immer weiter



Ana Mai "Blossom"

In collaboration with Ella van der Woude

The wisdom of a mirrors’ laughter

tells the seeker where he has to go

Humming lips of dancing figures

move the candle in the storm


We’re all waiting for answers

We’re all waiting for answers

We are all terminal cases


Living in the fear of losing

The only thing we’ll ever share is the death


Tired of the standstill in a place I used to learn

I greet my life with a raising smile

Full of dreams we get things started

Full of hope we bring them to an end

Full of fear we feel the disillusion

This is what makes us grow


’Cause we are all terminal cases


The blossom of an evil hunger

Takes him to a butterfly

Hypnotised by haunting beauty

He loses the game of body and soul

The playground hides the secret well

How can the silent prayer be heard

The fading colours of a clown

point no black, no white, just you


Tired of the standstill in a place I used to learn

I greet my life with a raising smile

Full of dreams we get things started

Full of hope we bring them to an end

Full of fear we feel the disillusion

This is what makes us grow



Ana Mai "Blossom"


Lay down your burden

Share this time with me

No need for words

No need for pride

I’m embracing you


Rest your mind

Rest your mind

Rest your mind

In a sound of silence


You can lean on me

Find the space to sigh

With open arms

You’re welcome home

No boundary of time


Rest your mind

Rest your mind

Rest your mind

In a sound of silence



Music: Christian Pabst

A day enlightened by a raising smile

A sense, one glance comes true

A magic moment's drawing one more view

And nothing's like before


The whirl of sound is turning into a goal

Leading, freeing, more

The sparkling fragrance changes the path once more

The circle’s end is near


Reflected footprints lead you through the windwheel of mind

Create your signs

The treasure trust in time



Ana Mai, Neuklang Records 2013

Eine Blüte ist vielschichtig, wächst

Und ist vergänglich

Zu einer Blüte gehören Wurzeln

Sie duftet, macht Freude,

Schmückt Esstische und Gräber

Sie ist Unkraut, nährt und hat ihren Nutzen

Sie verschließt und öffnet sich

Sie trägt Farbe, lockt an, braucht Licht und Wasser

Sie erneuert sich stetig

Man kann sie trocknen und aufbewahren

Man tritt darauf, Man pflegt sie

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